Use this space to list out the letters, sounds, words, text, etc. that this activity uses as content. Remember to separate them with commas. For example, if your lesson is about word families, you would write the following text in this box: words in the ock word family such as clock, block, dock, etc.
1) Use this section to type (or paste) the steps and instructions that educators need to teach this activity.
2) Click the Add a step button each time you would like to add an additional step.
3) If you would like to include a script in your directions, we strongly recommend that you use bold face text to indicate the words educators should say out loud to students. You can make the font bold by placing three single quotes the text you want to embolden. This for example: '''word''', will get you this: word.
4) To remove a step, click the Remove button below the box of the step you would like to delete.