From FreeReading
What to do
- Write the items on the board. (For small groups, you can also use the index card version of the words.)
- Today we're going to read some words without saying the letter sounds out loud. When I touch a word, you sound out each letter to yourself, then say the whole word out loud.
- My turn first. Point to each letter of the first word, mouthing out the letter sounds as you touch beneath each letter. What's the word? Mat.
- Your turn. As I touch each letter, sound out the word to yourself. Ready? Make sure everyone is looking at you, then touch just beneath each letter of the first word. Only mouth out letter sounds if students don't understand what you want them to do, otherwise just watch the students. What's the word? Students: mat.
- Great. Next word. Continue with each of the words in the list.
- Look for students who are not saying the words or who are saying the wrong word. Call on a mix of several students—some who aren't sounding out and some who are—to silently sound out, and then name the words individually. If some students are getting a single letter sound wrong, ask them to sound out the word out loud so you can find the problem. Then, model the correct sounding out, have them repeat; have them do it again silently, and then have them try another word silently. In an Activity Log, make a note of students who continue to have trouble.
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