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Introduce Vocabulary: The Perfect Nest (Friend)

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Lesson Type: Introduce
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class
Length: 20 minutes
Goal: After listening to a fiction read-aloud, students will know the meaning of three Tier Two vocabulary words.

Materials: The Perfect Nest (Friend), board or chart paper

What to Do


Select three Tier Two vocabulary words to teach your students. A list of suggested words appears below. Write the vocabulary words on the board or on chart paper.


1. Introduce the story.

Today we are going to read a story entitled The Perfect Nest.

2. Introduce the three vocabulary words you have chosen.

Before we read the story, I want to introduce some new words that we will come across. Please repeat each word after I say it.

3. Read the story.

Let’s read the story. Make sure to listen for today’s vocabulary words and to think about how they are used in the story. If you hear a vocabulary word while I am reading, raise your hand.

4. Define key vocabulary words. See definitions below.

Let’s think about our vocabulary words. The word ______________ means ____________. Does anyone remember how this word was used in the text?

Call on students to answer the question. Then refer to the text to show how the word was used in context. Repeat this process for each vocabulary word.


Now let’s practice what we’ve learned.


Attract means to pull someone or something closer. What’s the word?

Honey will attract bees and ants. If you want to attract birds to your backyard, leave seed on the ground.

I’m going to name some items. If you think the item would make a deer come closer, say attract. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Corn growing in the garden
  • Loud bells
  • A scarecrow
  • A moving windmill
  • Tender green grass


Perfect means just right, with no mistakes. What’s the word?

I try to do my best, but nobody’s perfect. Congratulations! You got a perfect score on your test.

I’m going to name some words. If you think the word means just right, say perfect. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Oops
  • Mistake
  • Wrong
  • Ideal
  • Flawless


Refuse means to say no in a strong way. What’s the word?

The man said he would refuse to water his lawn. You should refuse to take candy from a stranger.

I’m going to name some activities. If you would say no in a strong way to doing the activity, say refuse. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Swimming
  • Playing with friends
  • Playing in traffic
  • Playing with matches
  • Playing with a puppy


Shiver means to shake, usually when you are cold and want to get warm. What’s the word?

The woman kept her home so cold that guests would shiver when they walked in. Do you shiver when you get nervous?

I’m going to name some words. If you think the word means to shake, say shiver. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Still
  • Motionless
  • Tremble
  • Quiver
  • Shudder


Soggy means wet all the way through. What’s the word?

The sponge in the bathtub never gets a chance to dry; it’s always soggy. If you leave a towel out in the rain it will be soggy.

I’m going to name some things. If you think the thing could get wet all the way through, say soggy. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Your hair
  • Your clothes
  • Your bones
  • The car
  • A rock


For Advanced Students:

If time permits, have students create more examples of the vocabulary words.

For Struggling Students:

If time permits, have students record the words on a Vocabulary Discovery Chart or in a Word Journal.

For ELL Students:

In order to help ELL students learn the words, it may be helpful to use realia and/or to teach cognates to help students learn the words.

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